The #1 Life Skills Program for Homeschool Families
Kids need life skills like
ironing clothes
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Find hundreds of inspiring videos for the whole family!
I can't believe we grew this watermelon ourselves.
-Eliana, age 9
I installed new blinds in our school room.
-Caroln, age 10
I totally saved the day when our van got a flat tire.
-Elijah, age 12

Over 450 Lessons in our Skill Library!

All memberships include unlimited access to our entire skill training curriculum. Easily select lessons to address topics on an as-needed basis.

Browse Library
Don't interrupt others Fry an egg Pick up your own mess Take “no” as an answer Know your home address Set the table Reacting to people with special needs Turning off lights Rake the leaves Tie a tie Wash hands as a habit Do your own laundry Win at tic tac toe Use a floating kick board Using chopsticks Bake (and eat) cookies Learn to skateboard Prepare a hot beverage Bowling without bumpers Use a jump rope Make awesome paper airplanes Roast s'mores Skip rocks at the lake Feed a baby a bottle
Opening a door for a lady Make store purchases alone Plan a menu What to do with boredom Safely hold a baby Sew on a button Recognize spoiled foods Stand up for what you believe Staying at home alone Carefully follow directions Properly inflate car tires Change the smoke detector battery Taking care of your bike Play horseshoes Bathing your pet Learn to type fast (and accurately) Grow tomatoes Safely handle a pocket knife Making a delicious smoothie Make cookies from scratch Read a compass and map Tread water Learn to ice skate Reset clocks for the time change
Make your own appointments Carrying money and valuables Stain removal Behaving like a lady or gentleman Declutter your room Mowing a lawn Practice eye contact Cooking without a recipie How to iron a shirt Polite refusal Deal with peer pressure Unclog a toilet Safely build a bonfire Using a hatchet Make a major purchase Make money with a yard sale Sharpen a knife Build a raft Decorate a cake Calligraphy Row a boat & paddle a canoe Write a compelling resume Solder wire Change a flat tire

Curriculum Format

45+ Hours of Video

Easy-to-follow lessons
Promote growth mindset
Practice plan and tips

450+ Printables

Written skill instructions
Age-appropriate activities
Certificate of completion

Download Sample #1
Download Sample #2

Flexible Pacing

Track each child separately
Suitable for special needs
Self-paced or weekly objectives

Loved in Homes Everywhere.

Over 3,000 families served!
Homes across the nation are building capable young adults with SkillTrek.

    • SkillTrek has exceeded everything I hoped it would be. My children are eager to earn nuggets and master new skills, and the lessons have been fantastic jumping points for further discussion and learning. I highly recommend this program to all parents of children!

    • SkillTrek is the one thing I didn’t realize was missing from our homeschool journey. Having the ability to teach my children lessons that I am not able to teach myself, right from the site is worth its weight in gold. I can't wait to see what my children learn this year!

    • Finally! A curriculum that helps me prepare my kids with life skills they need. I am impressed with how simple the tasks are. No other curriculum covers this stuff!

      Homeschool Mother of Four
    • My kids keep asking ‘Can we do SkillTrek?’ ... I love that they’re learning a wide range of life skills. It’s a busy mom win, for sure!

    • I’ve enjoyed reading these lessons. So many basic things that have been lost in our society, but if we followed them, we’d have a better environment. Respect for older people, responsibility, cleaning up after yourself, being helpful and having a spirit of kindness – how did we lose all those things? I appreciate that this is being put out there and would be a great addition to any family’s library.

      Mama Blog
    • I was totally blown away that my rambunctious five year old embraced the challenge of making his bed. Mastering this small task not only increased his self-esteem, but SkillTrek is not a one-time event; it’s a habit forming strategy. Ten weeks later, he’s still making his own bed every morning.

      SkillTrek Customer

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It’s time to invest in your students' future, helping them become capable adults.

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