Character Traits
Character is the way in which a person feels, thinks and acts. We know our character by our habits. The test of your character is what you would do if you know no one would ever know.
At SkillTrek our mission is to promote not only life skills development, but also Biblical God-honoring character. A life well lived is ultimately aimed at "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
Trait of the Week
Full Year CalendarOur Calendar
36 Core Traits
One character trait for each week of the school year.
ambition responsibility punctuality obedience virtue orderliness faith wisdom gentleness industriousness gratefulness courtesy loyalty generosity courage humility diligence respect flexibility godliness honesty love meekness alertness forgiveness kindness reverence consistency endurance friendliness decision self-control joyfulness patience stewardship sincerity
14 Bonus Traits
Extra topics for families to use during breaks or on an as needed basis.