5 Reasons to Buy SkillTrek

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
October 3, 2019
Find out why a supplemental life skills program may be right for your family.

Call us biased, but we struggle only to give you five reasons to use Skill Trek. We are so convinced that this program is a powerful foundation for every child on this planet that we have given up literally hundreds of hours to create it because our own family needs this.

1. Regardless of any parent’s background, there are gaps in our experience.

Every one of us has a relatively narrow scope of experience and expertise, and as we do life together, we tend to stay in our comfort zone. We teach our children what we know well. This frankly leaves a lot of gaps.

Skill Trek is designed to fill those gaps and cover the areas that parents will naturally miss. What we have then created is a program with an extensive scope of skills, but completely flexible and customizable so that you, the parent, are always in control of what your child learns.

We’ve done the hard work for you. Now all you have to do is enjoy the adventure with your kids.

2. Schools have systematically eliminated many of the life skill opportunities.

Home economics, drivers ed and many other aspects that parents relied on in the past are absent from schools these days. This is why Skill Trek has been inundated with teachers wanting their students to have memberships, some even paying for the subscription out of their own pocket!

3. No matter what your teaching style is, Skill Trek is a springboard for your child’s education.

While we don’t claim that Skill Trek in itself is a core curriculum, if you are committed to your child’s education, the teaching opportunities will come thick and fast.

Every lesson is constructed to create positive habits, reinforce the skill and bless your family as the Trekker learns tangible skills that strengthen your entire family unit. But amidst all of that, the opportunity that it creates for you to impart your wisdom is second to none, and it will undoubtedly strengthen your relationship with your child like nothing else.

4. Skill Trek is easy to administer.

I know it’s not all about time, but I also know that you probably have a busier schedule than you ever planned to have and the idea of another supplement draining your time is not what you need.

Skill Trek takes about five minutes per child to administer a week. That’s what we call our Skill Trek time in our home. This is where you will sit down with your child and assess their progress over the last week, log their achievements and distribute any new Life Lessons.

It’s then your Trekkers responsibility to gather the necessary materials for the lesson and keep you abreast of their progress.

Now before you accuse me of speaking from both sides of my mouth, just because administration only takes five minutes, if you are anything like the parents I hang with, you won’t be able to stop yourself from getting involved. That’s where that whole springboard thing comes in, and your opportunity to guide in the task and impart your wisdom.

5. If I am going to be limited to just five, I couldn’t end without mentioning this one.

As an employer, I witness too many youths with fancy resumes but little common sense or life skills to go along with it. Skill Trek is designed to create abilities in skills, but also character and a good moral compass. Without that, we could hardly be preparing children for the real world. Skill Trek sets children head and shoulders above their peers and makes them amongst the top few percent in this modern society.

Life Skills Encouragement for Parents
Skill building is a life-long endeavor in our family. We recognize that providing a set of materials for individual lessons only goes so far. Our overall mission at SkillTrek is to support life skills and character development. Much of our blog content highlights the convergence of these topics to help your family to flourish.