5 Allergy Free Flowers to Plant Around your Home
Are you an allergy sufferer? You don’t necessarily need to be a plant hater to make things work for you. Here’s helping you stay at the best of your health and at the same time, have a nice garden with beautiful, flowering plants. Read on to discover the 5 allergy free flowers that do not trigger symptoms in those suffering from allergic reactions.
Hydrangeas are among the most popular and versatile flowers out there, and if you’re prone to allergies but still want to have beautiful looking flowers in your home or your garden, this one’s your best bet. You’ll find them in different colors - white, pink, blue and even purple and with their rich and wide blooms they can please nearly everyone.
Begonias come in different colors - pinks, whites and reds, and are the perfect, delicate blooms for any season. What’s more, this plant doesn’t just have beautiful flowers, but pretty leaves as well. The only downside (or upside) to this one is that they’re small in size - not as big and extravagant as the others on this list, but that sort of makes them perfect if you’re planning an indoor garden.
Clematis is another great choice if you’re looking for flowers that don’t trigger your allergies. This one’s a vine, so you’ll need a trellis or a wall for it to grow on, but trust us on this, it’ll end up beautifying your space more than you can imagine. Its dazzling blooms can leave you feeling ‘wow’ed’ for a long time, but that’s not it, these plants live for a long time too! You’ll find several different varieties to choose from in this queen of climbers, so make sure you pick a color variant that goes along with your garden’s aesthetic.
Looking to add a splash of lovely purple in your garden? Iris is the perfect flowering plant to consider growing. Its sloping sepals are just perfect to lure bumblebees and what’s more, you’ll also find this in a variety of colors. Named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris is more than just beauty. Yellow Iris has infact, also been used for water purification purposes, and you’ll find it planted close to riverbeds. The roots of this plant tend to absorb toxins and pollutants from the water body close to it, thereby purifying it!
If you’re looking for flowers that look pretty, are allergy-free and also lend your home a nice, soothing fragrance at the same time, look no further because Camellia ticks all the boxes and how! This plant has both male and female reproductive organs in the same flower, so their pollen should not be that much of a problem. Today, the extracts of this plant (specifically the flower) have been in use in many skincare products, and also for the production of tea apart from being used for ornamental purposes.
These are just a few ideas for those allergy sufferers who don't want to miss the experience of planting. Hopefully one of these allergy free flowers will work for you as your next house plant.