Teach Your Children to Show Appreciation to Community Helpers

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
December 4, 2018
Teach your children to appreciate community helpers this holiday season by making and delivering cookie plates. Involve them in baking and create personalized cards to express gratitude.

Why not take the time this December to teach your kids some cooking skills, as well as the important skill of showing appreciation! Put together some cookie plates to give out to your community helpers!

Make a list of community helpers in your town.

The first thing you will need to do is to create a list of all the different community helpers that you want to make cookie plates for. Here are some ideas: city office workers, firemen, police men, library workers, post office workers, etc. Try to include some people in town that work behind the scenes and don’t get recognized.

Decide on the cookies or treats you want to make.

Now that you have a list and know how many cookie plates you are going to make, it’s time to decide on what cookies or treats you want to make. Go through your favorite recipes and pick out the ones you want to make. Then make your grocery list and go shopping (make sure you buy some pretty, sturdy plates to put the goodies on!).

If you want all the work done for you, you can grab a copy of my Christmas Cookie Plates Project ebook which includes everything you need (recipes, grocery lists, planning forms, and more) to make over 30 cookie plates.

Once you have your list of recipes to make and all the needed ingredients, you are ready to bake!

Plan a baking day and bake all your goodies!

Now comes the fun part! Set aside a day or a few days to do your baking. Get the kids involved and use this time to teach them some baking skills. Get all your baking done and put the goodies in covered containers until you are ready to put together your cookie plates.

Create homemade cards to attach to the cookie plates.

Before you put the cookie plates together, gather some craft supplies and create some pretty cards to attach to them. Make this fun and get creative with the kids! Personalize each card if you want or just make them all alike. But make sure your cards express your appreciation for them!

Put together the cookie plates!

Time to put all the cookie plates together! Get out the pretty plates you bought and all the baked goods you have made. Fill the cookie plates, dividing up the different kinds of goodies you made onto each of the plates. Cover with plastic wrap and a bow, then attach the cards to each one.

Deliver your cookie plates to all your community helpers!

Once you have all the plates ready, now it’s time to deliver them! Load up all the plates into your car, and take the kids to deliver them to all the community helpers in your town. Make sure to express your appreciation verbally as well.

Author Bio: Sheri Graham is the founder of SheriGraham.com where she writes and creates products to help women live intentionally. Sheri is the author and creator of over sixty books on homeschooling, homemaking, and family. Sheri lives in the Midwest with her husband and children.

Life Skills Encouragement for Parents
Skill building is a life-long endeavor in our family. We recognize that providing a set of materials for individual lessons only goes so far. Our overall mission at SkillTrek is to support life skills and character development. Much of our blog content highlights the convergence of these topics to help your family to flourish.