Learning How To Use Chopsticks Is Fun!

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
April 2, 2022
Mastering chopsticks can be tricky but rewarding! Learn how to hold and use them effectively, and practice to enjoy meals from Asian cuisines.

Nope, we are not talking about that piece of music that every novice piano player learns and plays to death. I am talking about the two small sticks that Asian cultures have used for millennia to eat with. This is tricky, but everyone should be able to master chopsticks properly.

First, hold a single chopstick between your thumb and forefinger (use pencils to practice with if you don’t have chopsticks). Add your middle finger if it makes it easier and you’ll discover that you can easily move that stick up and down.

Now that you know what the top one does, let’s look at the bottom stick. Really the bottom one is the easy one. Place the second stick in the crook of your thumb and brace it so it does not move by pushing your ring finger and your little finger against it.

Now add back the top chopstick and you’ll discover that you can pretty easily bring the top stick down so that the two tips touch. Now all you need to do is practice, practice, practice.

Eat a meal entirely using chopsticks. It would be better if this meal was Asian. Pizza is pretty rough with chopsticks. Practice lots beforehand, you don’t want to starve.

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