Adjusting Curriculum for Special Needs Students

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
August 17, 2018
Adjusting your curriculum for special needs students is essential in homeschooling. Customize learning to fit their needs, embrace trial and error, and celebrate small victories.

Many homeschooling moms have special needs students at home. Special needs can cover a variety of disabilities. This means a standard curriculum may not fit your child’s needs. Here are some ways you can adjust your curriculum for your special needs student.

Homeschooling moms know that not every child learns the same. While we’d love for learning to be super easy, it’s not always that way, especially for special needs students. Many homeschooling moms have special needs students at home. Special needs can cover a variety of learning disabilities or even physical disabilities. There may come a time when you need to adjust or customize your child’s curriculum. Here’s my advice to you…

#1. It’s okay to adjust curriculum

Just as a teacher would in a public or private school, some students need their curriculum adjusted to fit them. Don’t ever think for a second that you’re watering down your child’s education because you’re not. In fact, you’re boosting their education. By adjusting the curriculum to fit them, you’re giving them a tailor-made, customized individual plan.

#2. Trial and error is pretty common

When adjusting your child’s curriculum, you may notice some things don’t work. It’s okay to play around with what works or what doesn’t work. In fact, you may discover your child really hates reading out loud to you. However, they adore listening to audiobooks. Don’t be afraid to stop something if it’s not working.

#3. The adjustment could help your child learn more

Think about it, sometimes homeschooling curriculum can be hard for the parent to understand. There should never be an ounce of guilt whenever you decide to add or take something away from your child’s curriculum to help them understand what’s being taught. Small adjustments can make a big difference in your child’s education. You’re not watering it down, you’re customizing their curriculum to make it work for them and for your family.

#4. Lower your expectations a little bit

As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. We, as parents, look at the big picture in homeschooling our children and forget it takes time for our kids to process concepts. Think about the way your special needs child thinks and works; you can’t expect them to conquer their entire book in one day. Take it a little bit at a time and lower your expectations a bit. At the end of the day, your child is learning, even if it’s not “how” you thought they would learn.

#5. Celebrate the small wins.

Although you may be going through the days, feeling as though no progress is being made, it is. As you adjust the curriculum for your special needs students, celebrate those small wins. Maybe they did their work without complaining? Maybe they could hold their pencil by themselves for the first time this year? You may even be celebrating the fact that no tears were shed by the parent or the child today. Celebrate those small wins with a hug and some delicious ice cream. Those small wins matter because they’re adding up to be big wins.

Adjusting the curriculum for special needs students is okay! Homeschooling your special needs child is possible. By making small or big changes to their curriculum, you’re helping them with their education in more ways than you ever thought possible.

Life Skills Encouragement for Parents
Skill building is a life-long endeavor in our family. We recognize that providing a set of materials for individual lessons only goes so far. Our overall mission at SkillTrek is to support life skills and character development. Much of our blog content highlights the convergence of these topics to help your family to flourish.