Tips on Enjoying Outside Time With Your Kids
Are you wanting to spend quality time with your kids this summer? Do you long to explore the great outdoors? Here are some tips to help you enjoy outside time with your kids!
We all know kids spend entirely too much time inside watching tv and playing video games. As a parent, it is only natural to be concerned about the amount of time your child is spending inside hidden from the rest of the world and desperate to find a way to get your kids outside more.
Much like most situations as a parent leading by example goes a long way. Take time out of your day to go outside. Teach your child to play catch, go for a walk, a hike, or a bike ride. Show your child that being outside is fun.
Plant a garden. Kids love to play in the dirt and sometimes they just need a push for them to want to go out. Putting a garden in your backyard is a great way to get kids outside doing something productive and a reason to keep going out day after day to take care of it. A bonus is it often helps to get kids to eat healthier.
Offer your child plenty of outdoor activities, bikes, scooters, swingsets and old-fashioned balls are a great way to keep kids busy outside so will stay out rather than come inside whining they are bored. Get to know your child's interests so you can provide things that will entice them out the door more often.
Look for outdoor activities you can take your child to. When kids are away from home they can't just go right inside and hop back on the couch with the video games. The park, beach, and free local outdoor events can help keep the cost down.
When it gets really hard to get the kids up and out of the house there's one foolproof trick that can help get everyone looking for something to do. Set up the app for your internet provider if it has one. Then when you need to get everyone up and out for a bit turn off the internet to the home. At the end of the day, you can be happy knowing you did what was best for your family.