Learning How To Give 110% Will Set You Apart From Everyone

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
April 7, 2022
Learn how giving 110% can set you apart from your peers. Go beyond expectations, take initiative, and impress with your dedication while maintaining balance and humility.

I know, I know. It’s an old cliché given by every sports coach on the planet and we all know we can only give 100% of anything. So a lesson that teaches you to give 110% may be the most valuable lesson you ever get.

I genuinely believe this simple principle will take you to places way beyond your peers, will give you positions of responsibility, and promotions that others only dream of. Especially while most of your peers will give it a mediocre 60%-70%.

What does it look like to give 110%?

• First of all, when you are given a task, you do it and you do it right. There is no band aid and duct taping. You do the job and you do it to the best of your ability.

• If you don’t know how to do something, ask once and listen, take notes if you have to, and file the notes away so you can reference them next time. If older people have to tell you the same thing a dozen times, you’ll gain a negative reputation that you’ll never shake.

• Clean up afterwards. Cragsman, you should know better than anyone that the job is not done until everything has been put away. Clean up any mess and leave the area at least as good as you found it.

• Do it with a cheerful demeanor and a “Sir, Yes Sir” attitude. Okay that covers the 100%, now let’s take it to the 110%.

• Do a little extra. If you are told to sweep the floor, empty the trash cans too. If you are asked to neaten up the product on the shelf, wipe the shelf down too. Whatever the task is, do a little more than is asked. This is proactive dedication to the job and it impresses.

• Avoid doing 150%. If you do too much, you’ll start to threaten other employees, and create resentment. So keep the right balance.

• You want to be seen doing that extra, but you will destroy the effectiveness if you bring attention to it. So get all ideas out of your head of grand announcements of “…and look at what else I did.” These things will be noticed, just not every time. But it will be noted if it becomes your M.O. The fact that you don’t mention it will speak louder than if you drew attention to it with a bullhorn.

For the next two weeks, implement the steps on the right. First the 100% and then the 110% for every task that you are given.

This has been featured as Skill Of The Week.

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Life Skills Encouragement for Parents
Skill building is a life-long endeavor in our family. We recognize that providing a set of materials for individual lessons only goes so far. Our overall mission at SkillTrek is to support life skills and character development. Much of our blog content highlights the convergence of these topics to help your family to flourish.