How to Teach Hygiene and Housekeeping Skills

Susie loved to help out in the kitchen, so her mother tried to get her involved as much as possible. One day, when Susie was helping with dinner, her mother noticed she used a kitchen towel to wipe up egg that had spilled when making omelets. Then, she hung the towel back up.
“That towel is dirty now. Don’t you know about cross contamination?” she asked Susie, who just stared back at her blankly.
As a homeschooling mom, I’ve found myself in this situation quite a bit. I would give my children the freedom to do things for themselves, but then I noticed that some things I had taken for granted they would know how to do.
“That’s just common sense!” people would say, but is it?
We have to teach our children hygiene and housekeeping skills. These things don’t just come naturally. Sure, your kids probably know that they are supposed to bathe and wash their hair. They know they are supposed to brush their teeth. However, were they born knowing how to get into those tough corners by themselves?
When teaching hygiene and housekeeping skills, one of the best ways to do this is by practice. Your child needs to get hands-on and try things so they can truly learn how to do it correctly. You can also lead by example. Allow your child to watch when you’re doing chores around the house. Allow your child to participate when you’re housekeeping. You can talk while you do it and discuss little tips and tricks that you’ve learned to help make things easier, such as how to get that last little slip of dirt that doesn’t quite get up on the dustpan when you sweep.
But how do you find the time to get it all in?
Using Skill Trek to Teach Hygiene and Housekeeping Skills
SkillTrek can help you with this. We understand that with the many things you have to teach your children, it’s normal for some skills to get missed. Busy families have busy parents, and that students have so much to do as it is. We don’t want to add more stress to your routine.
Skill Trek is a family-centered curriculum that is designed to help parents teach, and children learn practical knowledge for life. These are not tasks that need to take extra time in your already-busy life. They are things your children will learn as you are going through your normal daily routine. These skills can be taught and practiced while having dinner, doing chores, or going to school. They will accent your life, not take away from it.
Skills are designed for every age level, from preschoolers to high schoolers, and will learn important qualities that help them build strong character in their school career, and when they go off to college and an adult profession.
Skill Trek makes it very easy to learn these important skills. The curriculum is managed online so there aren't a bunch of items to keep up with. All you need to do is log in and enjoy quality time with your family. Skill Trek will assure you that your children are well-equipped and ready for adulthood and that they have proper hygiene skills and housekeeping skills.