Spotlight on Lavender Essential Oil

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
July 10, 2021
Discover the benefits of lavender essential oil, known for its calming properties. Learn how to use it for relaxation, skin care, and make a soothing roller remedy for stress relief.

Lavender essential oil is easily the best-known oil and probably the one that is sold the most across the board. The name and flower itself are one that people are familiar with before ever considering using the oil itself. It ends up being a first oil for many.

I had a negative association with lavender before using oils. Anytime I used a product containing it, I got a headache. I learned later that it was because it wasn’t truly lavender, but a fake and toxic perfume designed to smell like the real thing. Once I used the oil, it was a whole different game. Even the smell was so much better, and it actually helped with headaches instead!

Lavender essential oil is used for so many things, and many times people don’t even realize it’s capabilities. They only know the calming benefits which is what it is most known for.

So, let’s discuss its origin and then the whats-and-hows of using it.

What is lavender essential oil?

Lavender essential oil comes from the flowers of the lavender plant and depending on the brand you purchase, the location it is grown will vary. What stays the same is that the oil is extracted through a process of steam distillation.

What is lavender essential oil used for?

One thing to know about lavender essential oil is it should usually be safe for your body. If it is pure oil, as it should be, it would be safe to use all three ways you would use an essential oil. These are aromatically, topically and internally. Please do not ingest essential oils without medical supervision.

If you buy one that says it is not safe for any of those then it has been added to. It may contain a form of the oil but perfumes or additives have been added to make it go further and this means it can be toxic. Please do not use those types of oils for anything that pertains to your body.

In Latin, Lavender means “To Wash” – this is so appropriate for it as it is antibacterial.

Its main constituents are Linalool, Linalyl acetate, a-terpineol and b-ocimene.

It is known to be for “all things calming” more than any other property and it has sedative properties. It is also an astringent, and an antihistamine.

Uses For Lavender Essential Oil

  1. Use it in a diffuser, or rub on the palms of the hands and inhale deeply, to help calm you when tense or stressed.
  2. Diffuse prior to or during bedtime to help ensure a good night’s rest. Apply it to the bottom of the feet or temples as well for this use, or even drop a little on your pillow.
  3. For seasonal relief, apply to chest and neck or dot under the nose to loosen things up.
  4. By adding lemon and peppermint to it, you're able to create a strong and useful antihistamine that can be used for stings and bites to help with itchiness and swelling.
  5. Use on cuts and blisters to help sterilize and help the healing process along.
  6. It is great for skin care in general and works wonderfully with your moisturizer or toner. Alternately, you can apply it on a cotton ball and rubbing on any blemishes or spots or concern.
  7. Use in your bath by dropping a couple of drops under the running water, or adding to bath products for a calming and relaxing effect.
  8. Apply to skin after exposure to sun to help reduce the effects.
  9. For discomfort in joints or muscles, or to help relieve tension in the neck and head, apply it to the back of the neck, on the temples, or right on the place of discomfort. Combine peppermint and/or frankincense to make this work even better for you.
  10. Use in a diffuser to help relieve a stressful environment or to help those in the room with focus and relaxation. Add a drop or two of vetiver or patchouli for a good focus blend.
  11. Apply over the heart and on the back of the neck to help relieve tension and anxiety.
  12. For helping to reduce mind chatter and get your body to relax enough to fall asleep when you are wound up, apply lavender to the bottom of the big toe, and add a drop of vetiver as well if you have it. This leads to the brain and helps tremendously.

Make your own Lavender Rollerball With This Recipe

Make your own roller remedy for sleep and calming by combining the following oils in a 10 ml. sized roller ball bottle.

  • 22 drops lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops roman chamomile essential oil
  • 10 drops cedar wood essential oil.

After you have placed those drops in, top it off with your favorite carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil then place the roller ball into the top. Press down carefully on it until it clicks all the way flush to the glass, or it will leak.

Place on your lid and add a label.

To use, roll on back of the neck, temples, over the heart, on the bottoms of the feet or on the wrist. Any of those areas will help you relax and unwind and help alleviate stress and tension. Inhale deeply as well.

What do you use lavender essential oil for in your home?

Life Skills Encouragement for Parents
Skill building is a life-long endeavor in our family. We recognize that providing a set of materials for individual lessons only goes so far. Our overall mission at SkillTrek is to support life skills and character development. Much of our blog content highlights the convergence of these topics to help your family to flourish.