Teach Your Child To Gather The Mail Safely

Does your child know about mail carriers? Well, now is their chance as a Trailblazer.
Few jobs in the US are protected by the government so strongly, which is how important we all consider this to be.
The first challenge to collecting the mail is being safe. Many people have to cross the road to get to their mailbox. So make sure your child knows to never do it without your knowledge and guidance.
The next challenge is that any mail they collect absolutely must get to the person that it is addressed to. Really important stuff comes in the mail and for letters not to get to the intended party can be really, really bad. Take some time to coach your child on giving you the mail promptly and only to designated people.
Now, do they know that they can also send letters using the mailbox? Show them how to leave letters in the mailbox and lift that little red flag.
The postal service really is a super important responsibility, and now your child gets to be part of that noble tradition, just like Benjamin Franklin intended.
Earn This Nugget
Have your child collect the mail and give it you promptly. Have them do this for two weeks and also take out any outgoing mail too.
This has been featured as Skill of the Week.
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