Teach Your Child How To Mow The Lawn

Isn’t it bliss to lay down on a beautiful lawn in the summertime? The soft grass under your head and the neatly cut blades tickling your neck feels so great. Well, how do you think it got to be so neatly cut? Learning how to mow the lawn will help you learn what it takes to make this happen.
Mowing a lawn is an important detail to the home. It beautifies the home, and a good lawn tells the world you care about your property.
Basic Guidelines To Mow The Lawn
Clear everything off the lawn—there’s nothing worse than stopping to pick up things halfway around the yard. And don’t forget to pick up any rocks you see; they will kill your mower.
Safety first! Keep hands and feet away from the blade, eye protection is recommended, and if the mower becomes clogged, switch it off and let everything come to a complete standstill before even thinking about putting your hands close to the cutting area.
Mow the grass when it’s dry. If you want to know why, try mowing when the grass is wet, and you’ll never try it again. Wet grass clogs the lawnmower and will bring things to a standstill fast.
Avoid mowing in the heat of the day.
Only mow around 1/3 of the length of the blade of grass.
Discharge the clippings on the side you have cut, or you’ll struggle with the buildup. Also be careful where the clippings are discharged; people don’t like to have their vehicles covered with grass clippings.
If you want to mow straight lines, keep your eyes at least ten feet ahead of you, and locate an object to walk towards.