Learn How To Use Natural Remedies For Less Side Effects
If you’re worried about side effects from pharmaceuticals, learn about natural remedies. Make it a family affair and have everyone learn at the same time. There is a time and a place for medicine but it doesn’t hurt to try something natural first.
My daughter came to me recently and asked me about a commercial she had seen on t.v. The commercial was a prescription-based drug to help with sleep but had a list of side effects that, to most, would leave a person wondering if the benefits were worth it.
This is not the first time my daughter and I have had this conversation. It has become almost comical to watch some of these ads for drugs that promise relief of what may seem like a minor problem, but then include the possible side effects that often sound so horrific you are left wondering why anyone would try these medications. My daughter was puzzled and so began the conversation about if there were any other methods to help with ailments or issues that didn’t involve so many scary side effects.
Learning More About Natural Remedies
I have always tried to raise my children to be aware that there are natural ways to deal with things like bee stings, dry skin, stomach aches, headaches and the like. In fact, it was for centuries that natural remedies were the norm, rather than the alternative that they have now become known as. It is empowering for children to know certain teas or herbs that can help them and it is fast becoming a lost art to know how to use herbal remedies.
The lost art of herbal remedies is something that needs to make a comeback as we see doctors prescribing drug after drug for ailment after ailment and then drugs for the side effects from the first set of drugs. Our children should be informed that there are options to try before jumping straight to pharmaceuticals, it allows them options when we teach them this at an early age.
How Can You Start with Herbal Remedies?
Where to start if you happen to be new to the world of herbal remedies yourself? That is where Skill Trek can be a perfect accompaniment to any curriculum you use. In this program, the authors happen to know a thing or two about natural remedies and they have incorporated those lessons throughout the Skill Trek program.
Your child will likely delight in teaching you something new that they learned on this front, or offering a natural solution the next time someone in the family has a need for relief from a common issue. Imagine how many different avenues that this can allow your child to explore from simply opening the door to the idea that a cup of tea can help soothe an upset stomach, or a bit of whole food bone broth can aid in recovery.
You may just wind up with a kitchen connoisseur before it is all over with. Empower your children, and yourself and check out the lessons Skill Trek offers on natural remedies today.