Why Everyone Should Know How To Set A Table Properly
Setting a table properly is a nice skill to have but you can get through life without it. Sometimes, we need to teach the minor skills in order to make our kids into well rounded adults. This skill falls into that category.
Not every meal needs to look like pigs feeding around a pig trough. Sometimes we need a little sophistication, especially when friends or family are coming over or perhaps at holiday time. I know that my children are super proud to point out to guests that they did their table placement.
How To Set A Table Properly
Set the right number of chairs for the number of guests and set a placemat and a napkin on the table in front of each chair. You’ll want to fold the napkin or use a napkin ring. Make it as fancy as you want.
Place the plate in the center of the placemat and lightly tuck the napkin to the left of the plate with the folded edge under the plate rim. Did you know this? I learned this fact while doing this lesson with my kids.
Place a knife and fork next to the plate, knife to the right with blade edge towards the plate with fork on the left.
Place the salad fork to the left of the main fork. (The idea is that with silverware, when eating, you work from the outside in). If you’re teaching how to set a table for a simple dinner then this step isn’t necessary. Practice both a simple set up as well as a formal set up.
If soup will be served, place a soup spoon to the right of the knife.
Place a fork and spoon above the plate and invert them so the spoon faces left and the fork right. These are used after dinner for dessert and drink.
Place a small plate for bread above the plate and to the left with a knife horizontally across it. Put a glass for water on the opposite side.
There you have it. Your children will learn how to set a table for a special event as well as a simple meal.
This skill has appeared as the Skill of the Week.