How To Teach Your Child To Unclog A Toilet
A toilet can become clogged without much warning. Be prepared. Teach your children how to unclog a toilet so you aren't the only one doing the dirty work.
We have a lot of people living in our house. Having a clogged toilet just goes with the territory. We've pulled out G.I. Joe, a toothbrush, and don't get me started on the toilet paper situation. My wallet become much happier when I showed the children how to unclog a toilet.
How do you unclog a toilet with a plunger?
I have found that a good plunger is worth its weight in gold. Use your plunger and give it several hard thrusts. You may need to do this several times. I find that when the water starts to go down, you can stop plunging.
What can you pour down a toilet to unclog it?
You can pour store bought drain cleaners in the toilet to unclog it. Just be sure that it's labeled for toilet use. I once bought a large bottle of Drano only to discover it was not recommended for toilet use. I was not a happy girl.
Don't have Drano or something similar? Try pouring 1 cup baking soda and 2 cups vinegar into the toilet then follow up with hot water. It takes awhile for natural remedies to work. Best to let it sit overnight.
Will a toilet eventually unclog itself?
Yes and no. If it's biodegradable material like toilet paper or feces, then yes. After about 24 hours, it will dissolve enough to flush. If it's Captain America, then you will need to fish it out before it will flush. Don't ask me how I know this.