Winter is the Season for Life Skills

Trekker Sara Elizabeth
December 9, 2018
Winter is the season for life skills! Embrace the fun with your family by preparing for the cold, learning new skills, and creating joyful traditions together.

Instead of the winter blues, take some time to focus on the FUN winter brings. Like winter life skills for you and your kids! Yes, winter is the season for life skills.

Look out. Winter is on the way.

When the temperatures are still approaching 80, as they are where we live, it’s hard to remember that winter is coming. The official start is in just a few weeks. I know some of you are already using those snow blowers.

In the hub-bub of the holiday season, we can forget this is also a time of preparing. Many of us get our homes and families ready for the coming winter. Storm windows are brought out, ready to install. Gardens are cleaned up and leaves gathered. Summer clothes packed away to make room for the cold weather wardrobe.

In our family, these are projects we do together. No one really has an assignment, but each of us works together. This change of season has become a life skill learning time for all of our children, oldest down to the youngest. Ever see a preschooler clean out a dresser drawer? In the midst of the work, there are moments of joy.

There is so much to learn.

  • Dressing for the weather
  • Shoveling snow
  • What to do if the power goes out

Winter doesn’t mean all work though. It’s a good time to learn to ice skate, even if you live where it doesn’t snow. Learn to write thank-you notes for all those gifts received. And everyone needs to know how to make hot drinks.

For those of us who are unsure where to start or how to include the family in winter readiness, there is help. SkillTrek is an online curriculum to teach life skills from Pre-K to high school. The best part of Skill Trek is that the family can learn together. Don’t know how to ice skate? Parents and children can learn the lesson and practice together.

Skill Trek online curriculum doesn’t require additional books and most of the supplies can be found around any home. Plus, each of the lessons includes tasks to not only earn rewards, but also benefit the family and others in the community.

What’s on your list of things to do this winter?

What can you do as a family?

What can each of the children do?

This year may be the year your family begins a new tradition. SkillTrek can help you get started.

Here are some examples of what’s coming up:

  • What to Do If the Power Goes Out
  • Preparing a Hot Beverage
  • Write a Thank-you Note
  • Dressing for the Weather
  • Ice Skating
  • Shoveling Snow
  • Preparing for Weather
  • Prepare for Severe Weather
  • Build a Sled
  • How to Get Your Car Unstuck

Have questions? E-mail us and we’ll be happy to help.

Life Skills Encouragement for Parents
Skill building is a life-long endeavor in our family. We recognize that providing a set of materials for individual lessons only goes so far. Our overall mission at SkillTrek is to support life skills and character development. Much of our blog content highlights the convergence of these topics to help your family to flourish.